• user warning: Table './avideotutorial/votingapi_vote' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT * FROM votingapi_vote v WHERE 1 = 1 AND v.content_type = 'node' AND v.content_id = 104 AND v.tag = 'upndown' AND v.uid = 0 AND v.vote_source = '' AND v.timestamp >= 1740743621 in /data/avideotutorial/sites/all/modules/votingapi/votingapi.module on line 557.
  • user warning: Table './avideotutorial/votingapi_vote' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT * FROM votingapi_vote v WHERE 1 = 1 AND v.content_type = 'node' AND v.content_id = 104 AND v.tag = 'upndown' AND v.uid = 0 AND v.vote_source = '' AND v.timestamp >= 1740743621 in /data/avideotutorial/sites/all/modules/votingapi/votingapi.module on line 557.

Drupal Tutorial - Using Images in Nodes

Using Images in Drupal

- Attach Image to a node
- Insert Image into node body / content
- Automatically resize Image
- Open Image in node with Lightbox2
- Modifiy Image upload path and filename

Drupal Modules: CCK, ImageField, ImageField Path, Tokens, Transliteration, Image Resize Filter, Insert, Lightbox2

http://www.espend.de/projekte/artikel/drupal-bilder-beitraegen-einfuegen...... (http://www.espend.de/node/95)

See video


Ok, got it to a point where

Ok, got it to a point where the two images just dplasiy on top of each other (no animation: both images are dplasiyed simultaneously one on top of the other).$view = new view;$view->name = Animation';$view->description = An image animation';$view->tag = ;$view->view_php = ;$view->base_table = node';$view->is_cacheable = FALSE;$view->api_version = 2;$view->disabled = FALSE; /* Edit this to true to make a default view disabled initially */$handler = $view->new_display( default', Defaults', default');$handler->override_option( fields', array( field_animated_image_fid' => array( label' => , alter' => array( alter_text' => 0, text' => , make_link' => 0, path' => , link_class' => , alt' => , prefix' => , suffix' => , target' => , help' => , trim' => 0, max_length' => , word_boundary' => 1, ellipsis' => 1, html' => 0, strip_tags' => 0, ), empty' => , hide_empty' => 0, empty_zero' => 0, link_to_node' => 0, label_type' => none', format' => image_nodelink', multiple' => array( group' => TRUE, multiple_number' => , multiple_from' => , multiple_reversed' => FALSE, ), exclude' => 0, id' => field_animated_image_fid', table' => node_data_field_animated_image', field' => field_animated_image_fid', relationship' => none', ),));$handler->override_option( filters', array( status' => array( operator' => =', value' => '1 , group' => '0 , exposed' => FALSE, expose' => array( operator' => FALSE, label' => , ), id' => status', table' => node', field' => status', relationship' => none', ), type' => array( operator' => in', value' => array( animation_image' => animation_image', ), group' => '0 , exposed' => FALSE, expose' => array( operator' => FALSE, label' => , ), id' => type', table' => node', field' => type', relationship' => none', ),));$handler->override_option( access', array( type' => none',));$handler->override_option( cache', array( type' => none',));$handler->override_option( style_plugin', cycle');$handler->override_option( style_options', array( type' => ul', skin' => default', thumbnail_field' => , height' => '240 , verticalPadding' => , prevnext' => array( prev_label' => , next_label' => , ), pager' => array( event' => click', ), params' => array( fx' => fade', timeout' => '4000 , speed' => '500 , ), skin_info' => array( title' => Default', pager_location' => none', stylesheets' => array( '0 => views_cycle_default.css', ), prevnext_location' => before', module' => views_cycle', path' => , ),));$handler = $view->new_display( block', Block', block_1 );$handler->override_option( block_description', );$handler->override_option( block_caching', -1);

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