• user warning: Table './avideotutorial/votingapi_vote' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed query: SELECT * FROM votingapi_vote v WHERE 1 = 1 AND v.content_type = 'node' AND v.content_id = 215 AND v.tag = 'upndown' AND v.uid = 0 AND v.vote_source = '' AND v.timestamp >= 1735574879 in /data/avideotutorial/sites/all/modules/votingapi/votingapi.module on line 557.
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This Week In Linux - An Intro to Linux (Ubuntu, 7 lessons)

Since I've gotten a lot of questions asking what Linux is and how to try it out, I thought I'd do a several-part series providing an introduction to Linux.

Thanks for watching!

Buy My T-Shirts! http://twil.spreadshirt.com & http://twil.spreadshirt.co.uk

My Website: http://www.thisweekinlinux.com
My Facebook Page: http://bit.ly/twilfb
My Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thisweekinlinux
My IRC Channel: #twil on irc.freenode.net

Music by Kevin MacLeod of incompetech.com

An Intro to Linux Part 1: What is Linux? (This Week In Linux)
An Intro to Linux Part 2: The Ubuntu Linux Live CD (This Week In Linux)
An Intro to Linux Part 3: Running Wubi Inside Windows (This Week In Linux)
An Intro to Linux Part 4: Dual Booting Ubuntu With Windows (This Week In Linux)
An Intro to Linux Part 5: Windows to Linux Alternative Software
An Intro to Linux Part 6: Running Windows Inside Linux / Running Windows Apps in Linux
An Intro to Linux Part 7: Removing Ubuntu / Linux, Repairing Windows

See video
See video
See video
See video
See video
See video
See video


Such an impressive ansewr!

Such an impressive ansewr! You've beaten us all with that!

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